Disney CEO Bob Iger and actor Woody Harrelson have both shared new details about upcoming Star Wars films, and in Iger’s case, a tease about the post-Episode IX future of the franchise.
Regarding this year’s Episode VIII, The Last Jedi, Iger indicated that Carrie Fisher’s passing hasn’t resulted in any changes being made to the movie.
“We had to deal with tragedy at the end of 2016,” he said during a talk today, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “Carrie appears throughout VIII. We are not changing VIII to deal with her passing. Her performance remains as it is in VIII. In Rogue One, we had some digital character[s]. We are not doing that with Carrie.”
As for the Han Solo anthology film, Iger said that it covers Solo’s life when he’s 18-24 years old. We’ll also see him get his hands on the Millennium Falcon.
Harrelson, who was confirmed to be a member of the Han Solo movie cast earlier this year, shared some insight during an interview on The Tonight Show. According to him, he plays a criminal named Beckett who serves as a mentor for the young Solo. You can watch the full interview below.
Beyond these two movies and Episode IX, Disney and Lucasfilm is already giving thought to what comes next.
“We’re starting [to] talk about what could happen after Episode IX. About what could be another decade-and-a-half of Star Wars stories,” Iger said today, though he didn’t share anything beyond that.
The Last Jedi is due out later this year, with the Han Solo movie to follow in 2018.