Telltale, the developer of various episodic adventure games like The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, has teased a Mr. Robot tie-in project over the past week. Today we found out what it is: its official name is 1.51exfiltrati0n.ipa on iOS and eps1.51_exfiltrati0n.apk on Android (.ipa and .apk are the file extensions for iOS and Android apps, respectively), and it’s available right now.
Telltale is actually the publisher of the game–Night School Studio, the developer of Oxenfree, created it. The game is essentially a text adventure: you interact with a messaging interface to learn more about the Mr. Robot world.
It takes place during the first season of Mr. Robot, the popular hacker-drama on USA Network. As the game’s iOS listing explains, its premise is that you find a phone on the ground belonging to one of the members of fsociety, a hacking group. This begins a storyline in which you become involved in the hackers’ plots to take down a big corporation.
The game’s description states, “Become embroiled in the world of fsociety, a renegade hacker group determined to ‘reset the world,’ by texting different employees of their target corporation: E-Corp, a massive global tech company. Steal, cheat and lie your way through this technological minefield while dealing with [main character] Elliot’s fractured personality, and trying to keep your own information safe.”
Check out some screenshots of the game below.
You can pick it up on iOS here and Android here for $2.99.
Telltale is also currently working on its own projects, and recently released the first episode in its Batman adventure game. It’s also working on a Marvel game and the third season of its Walking Dead series.